Oracle i Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c

Kroz ovo se prate mnoge korisne stvari, od backup-a (urađen/neurađen, tip, veličina itd) do stanja nad tablespaces.
I to zadnje je pomalo problem.
Kad se pogleda pod “Tablespaces” dobijaju se ovi podaci :

Problem je u tome šta koja kolona predstavlja :
Name – ime tablespace-a
U čemu je razlika između ova dva :
Available Space Used (%) – allocated space-allocated space that is still not in use
Basically how much of the allocated space is actually in use.
This is the metric on which alerts are generated.
Allocated Space Used (%) = (space used*100%)/allocated size
The allocated space of a tablespace is the sum of the current size of its data files.
A portion of this allocated space is used to store data while some may be free space.
The allocated free space is only available to segments within this (designated) tablespace.
It is not intended to generate alerts.
Auto Extend – sam sebe proširuje 🙂
Space Used (MB/GB/TB) + Allocated Free Space (MB/GB/TB) = Allocated Size (MB/GB/TB)

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