Šta je ovo i čemu služi
Chocolatey is a package manager for windows.
A package manager can download, install, remove, or upgrade apps from various places around the web without forcing you to leave the comfort of your desktop screen.
Package managers allow you to:
*Download and install software without having to go to different web pages.
*Verify packages have not been tampered with so that you don’t end up with malware from MITM attacks.
*Install multiple packages for you and even make sure to install other software that an app may require.
*Upgrade and remove packages
*Search for packages.

Odličan link za instalaciju.
By default, Chocolatey installs itself to a folder in C:\ProgramData, a hidden windows folder that requires the Windows Administrator role to access.
1. Run PowerShell as Administrator
2. Set execution policy with : Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force -Scope Process
Napomena : ovo važi samo za ovu PS sesiju.
3. Download and Install Chocolatey : in PO :
iwr https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1 -UseBasicParsing | iex
4. Proveriti verziju kroz PS :
choco –version
Napomena : ovo je instaliralo CLI verziju. Ako hoćemo GUI (a hoćemo!), idemo dalje.
5. GUI instalacija, u PS :
choco install ChocolateyGUI -y
6. Proveriti GUI instalaciju sa : choco list -1
Dobija se ovo :
chocolatey 0.10.11
chocolateygui 0.16.0
Napomena : CLI instalacija ima SVE opcije, GUI verzija je siromašnija.

Dodatne radnje
Ako koristite Python, obavezno ga treba dodati u PATH! Obično je u C:\Python37\Scripts (videti gde se nali pip.exe fajl).