PowerShell za IIS administraciju – instalacija

Početno stanje : WIN 10
Da bi se koristili ovi alati, evo šta mora da se uradi :
1. Instalacija IIS Management Console (link)
Kod mene je ovo IIS 10.
Ovo se radi kroz :
Select Control Panel on the Start menu.
In Control Panel, click Programs.
Click Turn Windows features on or off.
Expand Internet Information Services.
Expand Web Management Tools.
Select IIS Management Console.
Click the OK button to initiate the installation.
2. Otvoriti PowerShell CLI ali OBAVEZNO kao Administrator!!!
2.1 Proveriti jel imate PowerShellGet modul :
PS IIS:\> Get-Module -Name PowerShellGet
ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands
———- ——- —- —————-
Script PowerShellGet
2.2 Instalirati i Importovati željeni modul :
PS IIS:\> Install-Module –Name IISAdministration
PS IIS:\> Import-Module –Name IISAdministration
2.3 Proveriti :
PS IIS:\> Get-Module –Name IISAdministration
ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands
———- ——- —- —————-
Script IISAdministration