Memorija na WIN 2008 i sličnim serverima
Hardverska instalirana memorija na serveru se može videti ovako :
My Computer/desni klik/Properties, pod stavkom System :
Ali postoji i “available” memorija, koja bazično označava količinu memorije koja NIJE u tom trenutku iskorišćena.
Memorija se može videti komandom “msinfo32” :
Kako proveriti stanje stvari po pitanju memorije :
Opcija 1 (link) :
Check the system configuration settings
This problem may occur because the Maximum memory option is selected incorrectly. To fix this, follow these steps:
a) Click Start Windows icon, type msconfig in the Search programs and files box, and then click msconfig in the Programs list.
b) In the BOOT configuration window, click Advanced options on the Boot tab :
c) Click to clear the Maximum memory check box, and then click OK.
Restart the computer.
Opcija 2 (link) :
Proveriti verziju BIOS-a na serveru (vidi link).