Oracle 13 + Solaris 11 – razne crtice

Oracle Solaris is optimized on both SPARC and x86 systems.
Processors in the x86 family are based on the CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computers) architecture, while the SPARC (Scalable Processor Architecture) processor is based on the RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computers) architecture philosophy.
A CISC processor uses more complex instructions, which can take multiple CPU cycles to complete, to perform operations.
A RISC processor uses more simplified instructions that can be executed in a single CPU cycle. The RISC architecture is therefore built for speed.
RISC is also much easier and more effective to implement as a multi-threaded/multi-core architecture than CISC because each thread and core is simpler and requires fewer resources, both in silicon and within the OS.
Stvari specifične za Solaris 11 :
SMF – Service Management Framework – Basically a replacement for init scripts
Projects – Resource controls
Zones – Kernel level virtual machines
ZFS – Volume manager/Pooled storage and file system all rolled into one
DTrace – Kernel/User debugging/monitoring utility
Oracle Solaris communicates with peripheral devices through device files or drivers. A “device driver” is a low-level program that allows the kernel to communicate with a specific piece of hardware. The driver serves as the OS’s “interpreter” for that piece of hardware.
If a driver is not loaded for a particular peripheral device, that device is not functional.