Prateći maillog na serveru naleteh na prilično opskurnu poruku :

Command stream end of file while reading line user=korisnik1 host=[]

Pri čemu korisnik ne prima poslate mu mail-ove. Oni se nalaze u mailbox-u, ali ih klijent ne spušta na lokalnu mašinu (a user+pass su provereno ispravni).

Posle izvesnog traženja evo objašnjenja :
“This message occurs when the session is disconnected without a proper LOGOUT (IMAP) or QUIT (POP) command being received by the server first.
In many cases, this is perfectly normal; many client implementations are impolite and do this. Some programmers think this sort of rudeness is “more efficient”.
The condition could, however, indicate a client or network connectivity problem. The server has no way of knowing whether there’s a problem or just a rude client, so it issues this message instead of a Logout.
Certain inferior losing clients disconnect abruptly after a failed login, and instead of saying that the login failed, just say that they can’t access the mailbox. If the user isn’t reporting a problem, you can probably ignore this message.”

Kod mog klijenta ovo je značilo reinstalaciju Outlook-a….

Odlična lokacija za ovakve i slične IMAP log stavke je ovde.