Excel brojanje jedinstvenih ćelija

Napomena : Ovaj metod NE FUNKCIONIŠE za više od par hiljada podataka!

Ima dve različite definicije različitosti (nas interesuje druga) :
Unique data are those which occur in the dataset only once.
Whereas, distinct data include the duplicate values but count them only once.

Distinktni podaci se nalaze na sledeći način :
Odabrati (u mom slučaju) kolonu sa podacima (obavezno odabrati i header date kolone!).
Then, go to Data > Sort & Filter and click on Advanced.

First, select the “Copy to another location”. This copied the unique elements onto a new column.
Now, use the collapse and expand button to select the rows you want the unique elements to be copied.
Finally, “check Unique records only”. And click OK.

Distinktni podaci se prikazuju u naznačenoj novoj koloni.
Sada ih samo treba prebrojati :
Select the columns and click on Quick analysis or Ctrl + Q. Select Totals and click on Row Count. This will give you the row count right below the unique elements.