CentOS 8 greška pri instalaciji

Greška pri instalaciji :
The following error occurred on line 31 of the kickstart file: Section %packages does not end with %end. Pane is dead

Moguća rešenja :
1. Ponovo spustiti ISO paket sa druge lokacije
2. Ako je u pitanju podizanje u virtuelnom okruženju, proveriti verziju virtualizatora u odnosu na OS.
Problem je u WMWare Player-u :
“A kickstart file is an automated script to tell the ISOs exactly what packages to install, etc.
CentOS does not provide kickstart files on the ISO files.
The tool you are using to do the install contains a kickstart file to start the installer .. and that file is somehow not working.”
Ja koristim VMWare Player 12.1.1 verziju

Rešenje je srećom jako jednostavno. Samo ukloniti DVD drive koji VMWare Player (ili workstation) automatski dodaju u HW settings. Obeležiti DVD, i kliknuti na “Remove” :

Odličan link.